Showing posts with label Mobile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile. Show all posts

This is what you should do before buying phone used - 5 important steps!

If you have set a goal to get a smart phone specific, it sometimes can be to your budget to prevent you from achieving this goal and purchase the perfect phone for you that you select in advance so it may come to me of the phones used, or there's something he wants to buy a smart phone but by virtue of it's high price could only buy a phone used to be specs good meet needs, but the choice of phones used have to be carefully they are not diverse situations where what is good to the owner of the phone to use it freely and keep his condition, including what is "expired" Where injury accidents make it work for a short time

So we must review some of the steps that you have to work out for the urge to buy the phone used so that these steps do make you capable to differentiate between the case of the phone is it good or bad, well, let's start see it together

1. Check the shape of the virtual

Upon finding the phone of the user who signed you have your eye on, I say for starters. put the phone between your hands and start with good and achieve the consideration to some things like having a scratch or a broken screen then look on the side or edges of the mobile to verify the presence of the cut tath "repel" it means that he has already signed in the past and maybe if the edges were plastic you'll find the parts scanned

In both cases this will make the shape of the phone bad kind unless you purchase the cover that covers these aspects, as well as remove the back cover to check the battery is genuine or counterfeit, or contain the swelling, it will tell you the age of the battery and you will need to buy another one or leave it as it is

2. check the appropriate buttons of the phone

You should also check the appropriate phone as the introduction of the heavens and the entrance to the Phone Charging Cable and USB port and input memory card, external SD Card, I should say tested because it's very important while using the phone, the second phone buttons must be intact for in the phone smoothly like the power button or button the Home and Back button menu and whose work touch screen, and buttons patient must check all these things if you plan to use the phone for a long time

3. check the specifications of the phone

You should also know is that the phone specs will fit your needs already there is a specification of the key has to be available in the phone like screen size should not be less than 4 inches, and also the camera phone and the number of megapixel, the system of Android and processor is dual or quad-core and shortest size of the external memory..and other, you can learn specifications in two ways either by searching the type of the phone in Google and see results know the specifications of the phone, or check the box of your phone where the notation specifications in any of the aspects of the Fund

4 - test the components of the phone

5 - ?is the phone stolen

In the recent times thieves steal phones and then sell them I have it attributed to them, so it is possible that the phone that you want to buy it to be stolen from someone else and thus can as soon as you open the phone to locate you the owner of the phone or the company even after reset factory by the serial number. So I have to move it's not stolen, so by switching positions of the IMEI such as the location of or website phones iPhone and location IMEIData or site imeipro, all those sites you check the serial number of your phone which you can find after entering the code *#06# In the phone, she typed in one of these sites to tell you if it was stolen or not.

If you're wondering how websites can determine is the phone stolen or not, simply these sites rely on black lists Blacklist, in the sense that the owner of the real phone when it comes to steal his phone, will this person access to the sites attached above to report me to the phone press the server "12345678912345" know the market, so when the person who purchased the stolen phone to this verify is the phone stolen or not, and entering any of the sites attached above will to tell him that the phone was reported it stolen.

As we used to do, we bring you news , information and laptop news on our other folks have any problem tell me in the comments

Download apps and games for free with amazone

  Amazon was opened  a new section of the store on behalf of the Underground Apps for apps its price more than $ 10,000 to improve the field . And this service is available now for Android users . Learn how to download apps for free follow me the Company Law

According to Amazon, provided the Department of Underground Apps more than "ten thousand dollars in apps and games, tools in-app free ". And pointed Amazon to the to these free apps, in fact, which means that the free download with no in-app purchases

تحميل تطبيقات والعاب بأكثر من $10,000 مجانا مع امازون

And though I Amazon see the development which is not considered modern, and you can get the application from the website of Amazon on the link below the article with the need to open the website on your ended to put the download link then after downloading and installing it open it and you will see a special section of tbis a paid become free of what you just have to click on Get This App and congratulations

تحميل تطبيقات والعاب بأكثر من $10,000 مجانا مع امازون

Link Underground Apps

As we used to do, we bring you news , information and laptop news on our other folks have any problem tell me in the comments

How Can I install Android  M 6 devices nexis

How Can I install Android M 6 devices nexis

Google announced last week about the new version of the Android system which carries the number 6 and the symbolic M, and the company provided a range of new features in this release, but the primary focus was on improving performance in general to take advantage of the device's resources in the best way possible.

And for those wishing to experience the new version installed on any device Nexus 5,6,9 or player, but care must be taken that these women are experimental and may not be fully prepared.

To begin the process of installing the new version the user needs to unscrew the lock device to Unlock, as you must install the ADB and fastboot tools from Google to execute orders on the Android platform through the barrier.

Then, go to this link and download the version appropriate for the device and unzip it on the case and put it on the desktop, then connect the device to the computer making sure to activate the option USB debugging and run the command prompt ADB then type the command adb reboot bootloader.

Finally, it is through the command prompt access to the copy folder which was unzipped on the desktop, and then is written to the flash-all to begin the process.

Note : users of Mac system need to add ./ Before the instruction prior to its implementation in order to work properly.

Download only this application and chat with people around the world sound and image without be your friends automatically

Very good idea is adopted by Azar application makes you recognize the people around the world at random with sound and image, this application after you create your account it is every few seconds show you someone may be male or female, you can chat with wakavha at any time to suggest someone else and so on. , Which is a great idea all along with this application a very large turnout of people, this

Download only this application and chat with people around the world  sound and image without be your friends automatically

 :The application can download it via the following link


After downloading, install it and create it your account so you can start directly to chat with people around the world of audio and video, all five seconds shows you certain user for this application, shows his name too and the State to which it belongs, you can reject the conversation with him and then automatically application show someone else and so on

Know the best 4 sites to download all the portable programs you need with its latest versions

We always need some professional software which we use on a daily basis, but often require some time to download and install updated so you can use it, so I decided to share with you the four sites is very fantastic to determine all of the programs that you may need it with last version , as it is portable means that will not require you to install them to use them

Know the best 4 sites to download all the portable programs you need the latest versions

1. Portable Apps 

Of the best sites which carry a range of portable programs, as it displays daily updates, after login to the site you'll find the latest portable software and you can download them by clicking on them.
2. TouCharger 

Location is the other wishing to ask a large number of portable programs daily, and you can download some software with a serial and activate it legally, after entering the site select the program and press Telecharger .
3. Pc Advisor 

The site is very great depends on the season of collection of portable software says the update this software daily, and all the programs on the site are portable and you can download whatever you want from them.


4. Portable Free Ware 

No different this site from previous locations, it offers the possibility to download software portable via Torrent, as it depends on the products own you can put programs that you want to add will be offered to you in the nearest time.

The best ways to free convert any PDF file to Word and vice versa without the need of Internet

Often we need to convert a file from format word towards PDF or vice versa, that's why I like to share with you a bunch of ways easy and that you need connect to Internet to do this and you choose what suits you from them
convert any PDF file to Word


Of the best programs download files Word documents into any format other than PDF, HTML, JPEG.. in addition to its small size and ease of use, as it supports the Arabic language without forgetting the feature to convert a group of files at one time.

  WinScan 2 PDF                                                                                                                               

Another program designed to convert any file into PDF format, word Word, with scan them optically "Scan" as it won't require you to have a great time, and what is the to a few seconds until the process of conversion.


UinPDF is a program not much different from its predecessors, but what distinguishes it is that it is easy to use and installation, in addition to the possibility of converting PDF files to Word word and vice versa and with the Click of a button.

5 best apps for live broadcast with your smartphone for Android and IOS

No one can now ignore or deny the revolution which we live in the area of smartphones and mobile , and frankly we can't talk about this last without the vote about the applications installed on them and which form the foundation stone on which , the Find a smartphone without an app or two apps that you trail of the paths of horses night if this was the phone used for the purposes of the etis, such as metla , or that the authors failed after what apps , and in fact there are several varieties of applications and that we can't mention them don't even get on the subject of our primary . But what we care to focus on today is the type of new and innovative applications which was in great demand among smart phone users, and it comes to those apps that enable you to broadcast directly by your smartphone , Yes now you can work live, which will review events daily or continue through with your audience or answer the questions of your followers , all you need is a connection to the internet. smart phone then an app that will provide direct broadcasting , in this browse with you the best 5 apps you can count on us to do a live broadcast live from smart phone , Whether it is its operating system Android or IOS .

1| The application of direct broadcast Younow
5 best apps for live broadcast with your smartphone for Android and IOS

Of the best apps live broadcast acted popularity and fame at all , where this application features broad audience from different parts of the world , and what distinguishes the application explicitly is the ease and safety of use where the Click of a button you can start the Live streaming , refer the application bit use of party celebrities and public figures major seeks to use it to strengthen the relationship with their followers and also and also devote to attendance at the level of the previous default , but is not limited to celebrities only so that you can create an account at the site or application easily, and to initiate the live broadcast , Also you can invite your friends either on your Facebook or twit , besides that the app or website is Grad a wonderful platform to connect and chat with people from different countries of the world and in multiple languages either by broadcast alasha you , or direct broadcast done by other people , therefore you can use this water on-site (or app) to learn new languages and also to open up to other cultures .
With regard to the issue of the creation account in the site (or app ) and the site gives you the possibility to create an account just based on one of the social networking sites ( facebook the Facebook - Twitter-Google Plus ) .
You can visit the official website of the application from this link . ( There are no big differences between the official website and app )
Not that fit you can download the app Younow official, whether for Android or IOS

2| Facebook Live  

Application of the famous and most awesome of the company Facebook Facebook . , Made available to everyone after that was just exclusive to celebrities and public figures , the application simply is a premium service lets you work live and share with your friends , which in turn can interact with them through comments , and anyone who wonders is it necessary for people who follow the live stream that says ttet app?? The answer is of course no FBT direct news broadcasts from the pages of facebook the Facebook .Proceed to the using feature the live broadcast of face the Facebook is enough to have a page of  your own , and official facebook application !

3| PeriScope 

If you are wearing a social network twitter . You won't never find difficulty in dealing with this application , the latter of which can be users of the launch of the live broadcast are posted on the website or the official Twitter application , and also enjoy watching the reactions of the followers, either through the comments or admiration , if you want to broadcast only to specific application challenges you that , and it's worth noting that the application is sophisticated or "revealing the ocean" gives you another property, namely to save a video file or a live broadcast that you previously made files on your phone without  .the use of any software of any kind

The app is free and available for download for Android and IOS .

4| Blab  

You have a topic you'd like to discuss whether in policy or technical or even myself , or you have a desire to engage in live chats directly with foreign persons in order to develop your    English language  , so prefer to try this most gorgeous of the application which is available right on   the platform of the web . Yes, application or location of the Blab gives you that , all you need is create an account in the community (altic ) simply by your Twitter account or facebook the facebook , and the excuse that you can enjoy making MDS interesting and useful in the various topics that interest you , or you can simply get enough of watching one of the debates ( or threat, as is common in the site ) and interact with them through the platform screen side , and if you want to launch a live broadcast of your own to discuss one of the problems or important topics with people from different cultural backgrounds . All you have to do is to click on Start a new blab .Then enter some information about this الBlab , and then you can invite your friends to this live broadcast or you can simply wait for the insam one of the users of the site interested in the topic that you'd like to discuss .

It is my humble view I see that the manner in which the site or application to communicate between users , will inevitably be is a new style social media icons ,
Applied to Blab it is free but unfortunately is currently only available for HTML and IOS . And you can access to the official site to comment via this link .

5| MeetKat 

Apply the last application of direct broadcast that is worth explicitly bother to trade , it was at the beginning of his supports registration only via Twitter, but it currently supports registration through Facebook the facebook and twitter and also Google Plus , what distinguishes it from the applications mentioned above is the duty of his graphic rugs and negative Help Use , after registration in the app you can directly embark on the launch of your live broadcast, you can schedule broadcast Europe direct to start later talk to him you are , as followers of this broadcast can watch it via the Web Platform, Disney need to download the app. 
If you expect a device that supports the Android operating system you can download the app from this link , The if supports ei IOS you can download it from this link .

My personal position about this kind of apps !

It is true that such as these apps develop you sense of communication and increase your skills and , but there is a group of strains that contain which must take into consideration , the first of these is isolation from the real life loss of a sense of communicative reality, and therefore make you dependent to it , besides, of course, to waste time in the case of use of excessive , Yes, apps are a serious and useful and worth the experience but the meal used in our ludus in order to achieve the maximum benefit possible from them , from another side, I invite you to share your experience with one of these applications that we have mentioned above , Or watch our application another NDR in our list , not that I'm inviting you to share this article with your friends if you thought it actually useful and worth posting widely !

Why ios is better than android,what is most important features of ios

What is more important? Coke or Pepsi? PlayStation or Xbox? Android or IOS? All these questions have divided humanity into two parties for many years. I want to talk about the last question, but from a positive perspective.

5 best apps for live broadcast with your smartphone for Android and IOS

Android and ios are now mobile operating systems the most important in the world. Although they're rivals, but with the passage of time makes them similar to large . Despite the fact that you can now run and perform the same task almost all systems, there are some fundamental differences that make each system unique .The competition makes the two companies to raise the level of all operating systems, but there is still room for improvement and a lot of development . Here are four features enjoyed by the system.Let's learn it in this blog
1. 3D Touch

When Apple announced the iPhone 6 s, one of the features that attracted most attention was the touch feature s, which is a new technology that allows devices to recognize the degree of force or weight while pressing on the screen. Many possibilities to use this new feature, including for example the possibility to show the applications of the various lists depending on the level of pressure on the screen. True, the choice of some manufacturers of devices operating system Android this technology for several years, but still far to become the ideal existing in the phones faith .

# 2. Full backup

Transfer all information from one device to another a very simple task in ios, but in Android it's not about that, I'm talking from the perspective of someone non-technical who doesn't know I'm doing all of those steps in order to copy all his data to his computer example. Operating system Apple can implement full backups every time the user deliver the phone to the computer and makes a backup arranged regularly in aild, too. So when you change your phone days from issue to another, only a few clicks to make all your information will appear on the new device and apps in exactly the same place. In the case of Android, there are many apps that can perform the same task, but it is not easy to use available in ios .

# 3.Alert settings

Within the settings of any device running IOS you can easily manage the notifications sent by all the applications and fixtures in the machine as you can make them know the form of messages or pop-ups, and the arrangement that suits you or even prevent them entirely from appearing . Unfortunately, notifications in Android should be run from each application and some do not provides you with even this option. Add this feature in the Google operating system will help the user to control the time to receive notifications. Perhaps this point will be addressed in the part of the new Google Android

# 4. The highest standards of quality in the App Store

There is a fundamental difference between Android and ios in regards to the app store, Google tolerate a lot in terms of quality and that is why you find a lot of applications useless and hideous design in the Google Play Store . In contrast, in the Apple Store, all orders are subject to inspection of the minutes before publishing .

# 5. Update speed

Yeah, sure you know this point well, although I feature to Android, it's available in a lot of phones from different companies, but this point that you see her point of strength, is a weakness from another perspective . You now expect on a phone of a company by Android Jelly Bean and many of the sophisticated version of Android introduced in the market but it is not you can download them on your device . In the case of faith, it's not that difficult once the update or new version of the system will be the you can update to it without problems .

Thanks for reading : 5 important features in the IOS system, you'll wish existed in Android
do not forget to see :

Learn how to repair electronics by yourself without the need to visit the technique

Learn how to repair electronics by yourself without the need to visit the technique

One of the most common problems faced by lovers of electronics in the  world, is the absence of content in this regard, where we find all the programs and channels and then sites the competent reform and the dismantling of the phones are foreign, which makes the mission not arguing that the content is in English, and this is not a problem in my opinion, especially that all of the company proposals to be applied more than a theory, and if you are interested in this area, let me give you a channel on YouTube, you'll inevitably.

Learn how to repair electronics by yourself  without the need to visit the technique
Learn how to repair electronics yourself without the need to visit the technique
The channel is called "Jerry Rig Everything" and is a special channel to the reform of anything that falls within the e-As it stays, and I reported, from the motorcycle to the phones, it can be considered magazine videos daily projects of different technology, where the founder experience everything new (open phones exclusive on the markets).

Channel "Jerry" characterized by diversity, where we find her offering workshops on test how powerful new smart phones as they are released, Repair Tools and components of the gaming devices (playStation, Xbox,,,), the innovations tools home only, test effectiveness and the quality of the camera, smart phones, repair and solve all the problems of the hardware of the Samsung Galaxy S6 Plus and the iPhone 6 and also iphone 5...

The channel started in 2012, and is now comprising more than 159 thousand subscribers, and about 40 million viewers and 326 video clip.
Channel link : Jerry Rig Everything
Thanks For reading : Learn how to repair electronics yourself without the need to visit the technique
your comment is importing for me
dont forget to see : The list of the most powerful smartphones in terms of battery capacity available in the market

How to download any video on facebook without any software

Sometimes you may like a particular video on Facebook and want to download it to your device and you have no idea about it, where in public if you have installed internet download manager on your PC you can download any video in an easy way .
But in these new city will show you how to download any video on YouTube without programs and cross-site downvids, where you just copy the video link then go to the site, paste the link with the waiting a bit until the conversion is done and then you can save it on your device.

How to download any video on facebook without any software
*First copy the link to any video on YouTube as it is clear in this picture

*Then directed to site downvids via this link :

*Paste the link in box and press download as shown in the following image

*Just wait a few seconds until what the video is downloaded, then click download this video as shown in the following image

*Then it will turn you to a new page there click Click the right mouse and then choose save as Any saved video like you want to save any image

Select the location on your computer to save the video, so you get the video in a manner that is simple, fast, and meet me with a new blog post, God willing.

Thanks for reading : How to download any video on facebook without any software
How to download any video on facebook without any software

Free torrent download sites 2016

Free torrent download sites 2016 , torrent where beautiful world 2016 helpful and malign, and often resort to download pirated files, available to them quickly, and the possibility of completing the load and which   is the best torrent program features, but the question remains
What are the best sites to download? , In this article we put you best torrent sites to download torrent files from 2016 all categories both movies, games, software, music or even anime.

..The 15 Free torrent download sites 2016


Here are the most popular sites in the world and the Free torrent download sites 2016 , using these sites you will be able to download movies, games and other software for free.
Thanks For reading : Mahmoud Abo Al Nil

A new Russian website give you for free virtual bank card and activate your account on PayPal

In this post we will learn Russian site lets you get a free virtual MasterCard, the card you cannot drag them because they keep their purchase, but you can default Internet if you PayPal account and activate stock shipping.

:The first step you should do is register to the site via the following link

Immediately after registration login to this link which will take you to the card :request page and then press the Issue a new Card as shown in the picture

Now you will see the 16 digits of your card, save it on the basis of obtaining CVC and expiry date click on message text Via Get and enter your dial up will reach her in a text message

In seconds you will receive a message in Russian information
Also card you might find useful is empty at certain performances presented by some companies that require having a bank card to register.

Turn your phone into your computer hard drive to a fantastic , way and overcome the problem of space

If you have old phone and want to exploit it, you can convert it to an external hard drive for your computer and provide a larger area can be installed by the software or save it your files removes much pressure on your computer's main hard drive, and this is possible through the
application of smartdisk who will be with us in this new post, Along details

The beginning, you must download the software for computer and phone via the following link:

After you open the program on your computer and on your phone will show you my own for any device on the program is also put in the application on the phone, and all you have to do put the same password on password box on the program and the application is also in the picture


Finally, connect the phone cable computer usb , USB stick drag the icon to the right hand, as in the image

Then click on the mount option in the program on the computer, as in the image:

Now go to my computer in the computer you will find a new section was added area of your phone, and so they have turned to a solid phone for your computer disk.

It is seen as beautiful and useful way when it is not available on the space in your computer or want to provide it.
Thanks for reading: Mahmoud Abo Al Nil