Study the table about the causes of smart phones in brain cancer

Study the table about the causes of smart phones in brain cancer

Settled scientific study of Australian and new controversy about the negative effects of harmful mobile phones smart and that some say it may reach the point where users with brain cancer, where he was a popular belief since the beginning of the emergence of mobile phones during the past twenty years that the latter play a major role in the spread of this disease.

And even though he didn't use any study in the previous proof of a causal relationship between mobile phones and cancers of the brain however a lot of warnings and reports had a tendency to it, and is resolved by Study of the modern Australian, where he denied the study, which was published in the "International Journal of cancer" any relationship between these two things.

Organizers of the study, new medical have studied the relationship between the high incidence of brain cancer and the high proportion of the use of mobile phones in the state of Australia during the last three decades where the study took place over 34 thousand cases of disease, and it turns out in the end that there is no relationship between the use of these devices and between the disease of the age.

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