Define shipito company services for shipping

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Company shipito specialized in the field of shipping of the United States of America to the rest of the world to provide its customers entitled-mail us immediately after their registration process for the services provided to them by the company

This is the address your us mail, the possibility of e-shopping sites us different so that when customers of shopping using the email address of the American company to send cargo to the country of the customer

:Divided shipping services provided by the company to its customers into two types

:Personal shipments

Customers can subscribe to this service, free of charge, the company providing the Mailing address of the American in each of the States of Nevada and California, also this service allows customers to store one package in the warehouse so they are ideal for customers who want to request a small number of parcels

:Virtual mailbox

The price of subscription to this service $ 10 per month or $ 50 every year where you think these prices are suitable to customers

This service provides customers the possibility of electronic delivery without the addition of taxes through the use of your warehouse and the police and border of Oregon which lies north-west of the United States of America, as well as this service also provides pooling of cargo in one shipment for customers to save costs and to speed up the process of shipping

The prices are special services provided by the company is amazing and suitable for everyone that the company where you charge a large number of shipments, making shipping companies provide discounts which benefit customers significantly in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia specifically noticed the company a great deal to provide amazing rates company by company speedex leading in the field of shipping
We are pleased to offer new customers discount code FINISHME3, which allows you to signup for free in the mailbox default for 3 months worth of basic $ 30

Also by using this code, customers can enjoy the services of a mail box virtual for free for three months after the expiry of this period, customers can switch the service to shipping personal free without pay any charges to cancel the service you will be asked of every customer from the customer when registering a deposit value of $ 1 so that he can use later freight services benefit from the code's all on the customer to do is select the mailbox account virtual monthly on the registration page for a new account and then add the code at the payment page

You can also visit the website of your company shipito by clicking on this link

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