Showing posts with label Notations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notations. Show all posts

What is the difference between Indesign and Photoshop

Improved programs and graphic design throughout the last years, and is Photoshop feet and these programs, of course, dependent all buy Adobe Adobe, everyone knows Photoshop on it software photo only and is subject to change and that's not true, of course, there are also Adobe InDesign Adobe Indesign, but what is this program and what is the difference between InDesign and Photoshop. it? This is what you will learn in this article
What is the difference between Indesign and Photoshop
There is a big difference between the two programs even though it is the design software we will talk about each program separately and what are its uses. The program can be downloaded in latest version from the following link

First, Photoshop: a program from Adobe Adobe (his first appearance in 1990) to control the photographs and write and modify them and add effects also have design software is abbreviated PS, is heavily used by photographers and photographic studios owners and also graphic designers and
:Web designers and major uses
1. amendment to the pictures. 2. create animated images. 3. create sites and forums, especially in modern versions of it. 4. basics of printing depends on it. 5. business banners and 3d designs
Any party in the Photoshop : of any party in Photoshop is the formula key as a PSD or open project where you can come back at any time and is subject to change, either from the rest of the other formula are : 1 - BMB formula save with large size in files. 2 - GIF or format save the animation. 3 - EPS formula save used widely in desktop publishing software. 4. the PNG format to save images in a manner compressed for the internet. 5 - JPG the best and hunting spread in Photoshop. 6 - PDF version suitable also for programs desktop publishing. 7 - SCT formula to suit the owners of the presses business.

Defects Photoshop : of course there is an integrated programme the programme Photoshop
:flaws are
1 - not free, expensive and financially where you must, of course, if you will rely mainly in your work you should buy it. 2 - not easy for beginners, it is a program designed to help professionals and graphic look to Tools and methods of work. 3 - need to computers is a potential competitor or high to work, especially the latest editions of where to Ramat high procesor ahead of Wyatt, of course, a large space in your hard disk at will. 4. There are many photo editing software free less the cost of it and working on any computer

Second : the program proffered In Design : is tell software Desktop publishing AST company Adobe in 1999 he specializes in the creation of magazines, books, newspapers, or even the best software is used for design Lite component level of more than a page, the name of the shortcut Id The difference between it and Photoshop : there are differences between the two programs is or in other words, the advantages proffered : 1 - Indies, more advanced in his techniques of Photoshop. 2. design the pages of magazines, newspapers and books which can not be achieved in Photoshop. 3 - Photoshop activates the level of one page while the Indies, creating a multi-page document as you like. 4 - Photoshop is considered the first stage in image processing and is subject to change while the Indies are the import of images that will be working on them in the magazines catalog of Photoshop, it's include in the draft its. And to download Adobe. Indies, through the official website

Any party in Adobe. Indiesign : differs from the program in any party, but they are similar in formula to the party PDF and any key indd, the indl, the indt, the indb, the inx and idml. Disadvantages of the programme indiesign : not many of the disadvantages are 1. The program is not free, too. 2. the programme is of significant size almost up to 400 MB or more. 3 - needs a good potential of the RAM opresor to run it and the space on the hard drive. 4 - not easy for beginners, too, but rather use a professional

How to protect your emails with password in Gmail and others

Gmail is the postal network the largest popular in the world
Today many people are using Gmail account Gmail every day to send and receive messages. More than billions of users out there on Google that are used daily such postal services. But you do not have the encryption option out there for every email that is sent or received. As if any of the receiver or the sender with a knead may learn to penetrate your sensitive data . So to overcome this we are here with how to protect e-mail messages with the password in Gmail . With this method you can also encrypt other messages also like Yahoo etc.. and what is this service to encrypt e-mail messages below


The protection of e-mail messages with the password in Gmail easily

Protect your emails with a password will help you a lot to ensure your privacy from the sender to the receiver . In order to implement this we have another postal service available that will protect e-mail messages with the password in your Gmail

:Steps to protect the emails with the password in Gmail

First and foremost you need to download and install the Mailvelope extension that will help you password protect your Gmail Mailvelope for Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox.


Now this extension will be added to your browser and you'll see a notice about this. And the lock icon will be added to chrome or Mozilla


Now open your Gmail account where you want to protect your emails to your Gmail password

Now click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
Click the Add button and then click on generate keys as shown in the picture below

Now you will see a screen like below and fill in your account details and also you can change another option according to your wish


Now in the end when you send personal information bank or mail, for example the recipient there will be also need this extension in its browser to open your emails with the key you put these your messages will be safe
Now with this extension doesn't have to worry about your Sun sensitive data be encrypted with this method.

So above is all about how to protect e-mail messages with the password in Gmail . With this extension will secure your data that you send through email messages with others and the extra will get executed with every email sent. Don't forget to share it with others also. Leave a comment below if you need our help in any step.

Define shipito company services for shipping

Define shipito company services for shipping

صورة ذات صلة

Company shipito specialized in the field of shipping of the United States of America to the rest of the world to provide its customers entitled-mail us immediately after their registration process for the services provided to them by the company

This is the address your us mail, the possibility of e-shopping sites us different so that when customers of shopping using the email address of the American company to send cargo to the country of the customer

:Divided shipping services provided by the company to its customers into two types

:Personal shipments

Customers can subscribe to this service, free of charge, the company providing the Mailing address of the American in each of the States of Nevada and California, also this service allows customers to store one package in the warehouse so they are ideal for customers who want to request a small number of parcels

:Virtual mailbox

The price of subscription to this service $ 10 per month or $ 50 every year where you think these prices are suitable to customers

This service provides customers the possibility of electronic delivery without the addition of taxes through the use of your warehouse and the police and border of Oregon which lies north-west of the United States of America, as well as this service also provides pooling of cargo in one shipment for customers to save costs and to speed up the process of shipping

The prices are special services provided by the company is amazing and suitable for everyone that the company where you charge a large number of shipments, making shipping companies provide discounts which benefit customers significantly in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia specifically noticed the company a great deal to provide amazing rates company by company speedex leading in the field of shipping
We are pleased to offer new customers discount code FINISHME3, which allows you to signup for free in the mailbox default for 3 months worth of basic $ 30

Also by using this code, customers can enjoy the services of a mail box virtual for free for three months after the expiry of this period, customers can switch the service to shipping personal free without pay any charges to cancel the service you will be asked of every customer from the customer when registering a deposit value of $ 1 so that he can use later freight services benefit from the code's all on the customer to do is select the mailbox account virtual monthly on the registration page for a new account and then add the code at the payment page

You can also visit the website of your company shipito by clicking on this link

As we used to do, we bring you news , information and laptop news on our other folks have any problem tell me in the comments

How Can I install Android  M 6 devices nexis

How Can I install Android M 6 devices nexis

Google announced last week about the new version of the Android system which carries the number 6 and the symbolic M, and the company provided a range of new features in this release, but the primary focus was on improving performance in general to take advantage of the device's resources in the best way possible.

And for those wishing to experience the new version installed on any device Nexus 5,6,9 or player, but care must be taken that these women are experimental and may not be fully prepared.

To begin the process of installing the new version the user needs to unscrew the lock device to Unlock, as you must install the ADB and fastboot tools from Google to execute orders on the Android platform through the barrier.

Then, go to this link and download the version appropriate for the device and unzip it on the case and put it on the desktop, then connect the device to the computer making sure to activate the option USB debugging and run the command prompt ADB then type the command adb reboot bootloader.

Finally, it is through the command prompt access to the copy folder which was unzipped on the desktop, and then is written to the flash-all to begin the process.

Note : users of Mac system need to add ./ Before the instruction prior to its implementation in order to work properly.

The difference between the USB2 VS USB3

The difference between the USB2 VS USB3

 ?Which is faster USB 2 or USB 3 

The speed of data transfer in the second version USB2 up to 480 Mb per second while the speed of data transfer in the second version USB3 up to 5Gb per second ten times the speed of USB2, this is a natural progression that the latest is the fastest, therefore you must choose a desktop, or laptop supports a second version, fraek device does not support the second version is considered a flaw and weakness in the device .

The power supply and

Of course to him the power supply and the appliance connected to the outlet more efficiently and save energy in the second version USB3, you can charge your mobile phone or devices you other more quickly, with a feature on some devices to port "USB" remains effective and increases your devices connected to it powered without the need to keep equipped device like a laptop or desktop computer in the operating mode, when closing the computer provider keep at least one of the USB3 ports effectively evens out the power supply, This feature is useful in traveling, you can charge your mobile phone from your laptop without having to run the last and extravagant in energy to charge your mobile phone unlike USB2.
?How to tell the difference between USB3 and USB2 

You can find out if the issuing USB3 is present on your desktop, laptop or mobile , it's very easy to be distinguish USB3 colored blue if the color of the USB port you have blue trust completely it's USB3 and illustration in the following image :

Of course you can also find out by the management of the devices in your computer , but the color theme you mentioned already the fastest and simplest route

How to increase the number of subscribers to your channel on youtube

Have you ever wondered one day why some get thousands and millions of subscribers on YouTube and some or you just get a dozen, there are many factors to answer this question, there be famous then activates the youtube channel so you won't find problems in getting subscribers, and from there it becomes famous because of YouTube, the earliest example is PewDiePie there is no OF NO know, seemed to work 4 years ago and it has probably the biggest channel on YouTube and activity excellent.

I'll give you 10 tips to help you get subscribers, and without the use of those roads, ” silly ” used by dogs, you find you have thousands of participants, but the comments and video views and admiring. 00 and the reason is the use of cheating methods and ” Black Hat”, so the tips here are not like those ways, but these tips will get the buyer true and echos in the channel of their wish and against their will.

1. Pick up a good number of videos : the first econ should do to get subscribers is to raise the videos a lot, the reason is when a person enters your channel find videos lots to like 100 videos .. this is how the I channel active and it doesn't matter its new or old is important that the videos are many, and if you find a video or 2 in the channel you won't buy and maybe this channel is not to raise the video .. but for the admiration and the videos of the other only, you will not buy.

2. Upload videos with high quality : one of the most important factors to evaluate TV channel in YouTube is the quality of the videos uploaded, now more than 50% of the owners of channels on YouTube raises video 1080p Zhe good, so it better be them and videos with good quality to make the viewer enjoy what you offer and see it clearly, and for the record There of lifting videos 4K quality in each video and watch the splendor of the reason is not the people you want to test the quality of 4K .. which is a benefit, so attention to quality.

3. Make a gift in your channel : more than anything makes people involved in your channel is when you give them stuff like free phones or devices .. there are owners of the great channels they have money they buy equipment and they work competitions is subject to conditions, such as the requirement to participate in the channel and the impress video and channel ...... Then the owner of the channel collect email subscribers and draw in a special position and the winner, this makes the buyers excited and wait for more.

4. Share your videos : share your videos with the buyers using your accounts in social networking sites, and once set up random video from your channel ..

5. Upload videos constantly : be sure to start uploading videos constantly in your channel until you make up you always know the date of the video, who rejects it, and farmers to your channel, and don't make large cities between video and video else thinks so participants you stopped or something.

6. Tell subscribers to your channel video judge : tell subscribers to your channel in the video you'll see him in your channel .. like the rest of 5 minutes and thus makes them excited more, and also ask them what they want to see in your channel, take their requests into account.

7. The idea of viewers jointly in your channel : remember that you should always put the intro video to be all, and also don't forget to remind viewers to the work of impress Subscribe to your channel and visit your site .. in the last video, because maybe watch the video and forget to buy, so always remind them.

8. Set up your channel in your website : create a link to subscribe to your channel in your location and even make your visitors buy in your channel.

9. Interaction with comments : always remember that you have to think and follow the comments of the viewers and participants. to me every video in your channel and reply to as many as possible and helped them in their applications.

10. Interaction with the owners of large channels : make sure to interact with the adult channels on YouTube followed and try to get the first comment to even be in the top everyone watching your channel and a reason in the increase in participants.

These tips look mixed because the many ideas, try the application and, God willing, get a successful channel

A site to design GIF animations, animated words in seconds and easily

You may sometimes need to create GIF animations for certain uses and different, and actually there are many programs that offer this service in return too many sites you will learn one of them in this post handled easier and provides access to these moving images very quickly
A site to design GIF animations, animated words in seconds and easily
 :Start you should go to the following link

After accessing the site you type the word you want it to look and add more words but put a space between them, and then choose the type of font and background color of the image. Expunge etc, you press the Get Url until you create a link to the picture then you can share them on social networks or save the image on your computer.