How to hide a property "Seen" in the Facebook application Messenger on Android

You may want to sometimes during your use of the application Facebook Messenger on your phone, your android to read messages from your friends without anyone noticing it or not, we want to make your friends know that you read their letters where when you read a message and you reply it, it puts you in an awkward position, unfortunately the application Facebook Messenger does not have an option that allows you to turn off the feature Seen, or else the appearance of which is about the relationship you tell of sending the message that you read so we want to stop it, You can do this easily using the app possible that I'll istrate in this article, which gives you the ability to read the message your friends in the application Facebook Messenger without the To show them a sign Seen and read in silent

The app is Unseen, it's a free application that lets you read the messages your friends on Facebook by application Facebook Messenger without noticing the sender, in fact the app does not manipulate in the settings of Facebook messenger to hide the property Seen, but his role he offers you an extra platform next to Facebook application Messenger this the product is put by any letter come to you on Messenger and you can read it secretly without noticing someone that, note that the app does the same job I have WhatsApp and Viber telegram. You'll what I mean when you experience the application by yourself or through the following way the app works and how to use it

After you install the app and run it on your phone, your Android will appear in the home page tab, All Messages below this section you will find all the messages that came to you via the application Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp or tillgram.., but first I need to push to stop options in the corner of the attic in the app and then clicking on settings and then go to the settings will activate the option for Facebook Notifications so that when you receive a new message on Facebook Messenger you will be notified via the application of the Unseen

After that when he sends any of your friends the message me app Facebook Messenger you will see two buttons floating on the screen the phone first which is your Facebook Messenger as is usual, the second is a special application of the Unseen where you part of the text of the message and you can click on them to read the message without knowing who sent it, you read it already, unlike the button of a floating special manger where once pressed it will give the other person you read the message and show no sign of Seen. But after reading the message from the application of the Unseen and want to reply to, find it prompts you to transition to open an app messenger to respond to this person by clicking on the button Reply in messenger

This is the idea of application of the Unseen which we know is an excellent application to do the task of hiding the case of appearing any read all messages from Facebook Messenger without being noticed your friends, but I don't have application Messenger only, but also apps social other Calas the Father and Viber oilgram, as the way to use it is very easy as we have noted

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