5 best apps for live broadcast with your smartphone for Android and IOS

No one can now ignore or deny the revolution which we live in the area of smartphones and mobile , and frankly we can't talk about this last without the vote about the applications installed on them and which form the foundation stone on which , the Find a smartphone without an app or two apps that you trail of the paths of horses night if this was the phone used for the purposes of the etis, such as metla , or that the authors failed after what apps , and in fact there are several varieties of applications and that we can't mention them don't even get on the subject of our primary . But what we care to focus on today is the type of new and innovative applications which was in great demand among smart phone users, and it comes to those apps that enable you to broadcast directly by your smartphone , Yes now you can work live, which will review events daily or continue through with your audience or answer the questions of your followers , all you need is a connection to the internet. smart phone then an app that will provide direct broadcasting , in this browse with you the best 5 apps you can count on us to do a live broadcast live from smart phone , Whether it is its operating system Android or IOS .

1| The application of direct broadcast Younow
5 best apps for live broadcast with your smartphone for Android and IOS

Of the best apps live broadcast acted popularity and fame at all , where this application features broad audience from different parts of the world , and what distinguishes the application explicitly is the ease and safety of use where the Click of a button you can start the Live streaming , refer the application bit use of party celebrities and public figures major seeks to use it to strengthen the relationship with their followers and also and also devote to attendance at the level of the previous default , but is not limited to celebrities only so that you can create an account at the site or application easily, and to initiate the live broadcast , Also you can invite your friends either on your Facebook or twit , besides that the app or website is Grad a wonderful platform to connect and chat with people from different countries of the world and in multiple languages either by broadcast alasha you , or direct broadcast done by other people , therefore you can use this water on-site (or app) to learn new languages and also to open up to other cultures .
With regard to the issue of the creation account in the site (or app ) and the site gives you the possibility to create an account just based on one of the social networking sites ( facebook the Facebook - Twitter-Google Plus ) .
You can visit the official website of the application from this link . ( There are no big differences between the official website and app )
Not that fit you can download the app Younow official, whether for Android or IOS

2| Facebook Live  

Application of the famous and most awesome of the company Facebook Facebook . , Made available to everyone after that was just exclusive to celebrities and public figures , the application simply is a premium service lets you work live and share with your friends , which in turn can interact with them through comments , and anyone who wonders is it necessary for people who follow the live stream that says ttet app?? The answer is of course no FBT direct news broadcasts from the pages of facebook the Facebook .Proceed to the using feature the live broadcast of face the Facebook is enough to have a page of  your own , and official facebook application !

3| PeriScope 

If you are wearing a social network twitter . You won't never find difficulty in dealing with this application , the latter of which can be users of the launch of the live broadcast are posted on the website or the official Twitter application , and also enjoy watching the reactions of the followers, either through the comments or admiration , if you want to broadcast only to specific application challenges you that , and it's worth noting that the application is sophisticated or "revealing the ocean" gives you another property, namely to save a video file or a live broadcast that you previously made files on your phone without  .the use of any software of any kind

The app is free and available for download for Android and IOS .

4| Blab  

You have a topic you'd like to discuss whether in policy or technical or even myself , or you have a desire to engage in live chats directly with foreign persons in order to develop your    English language  , so prefer to try this most gorgeous of the application which is available right on   the platform of the web . Yes, application or location of the Blab gives you that , all you need is create an account in the community (altic ) simply by your Twitter account or facebook the facebook , and the excuse that you can enjoy making MDS interesting and useful in the various topics that interest you , or you can simply get enough of watching one of the debates ( or threat, as is common in the site ) and interact with them through the platform screen side , and if you want to launch a live broadcast of your own to discuss one of the problems or important topics with people from different cultural backgrounds . All you have to do is to click on Start a new blab .Then enter some information about this الBlab , and then you can invite your friends to this live broadcast or you can simply wait for the insam one of the users of the site interested in the topic that you'd like to discuss .

It is my humble view I see that the manner in which the site or application to communicate between users , will inevitably be is a new style social media icons ,
Applied to Blab it is free but unfortunately is currently only available for HTML and IOS . And you can access to the official site to comment via this link .

5| MeetKat 

Apply the last application of direct broadcast that is worth explicitly bother to trade , it was at the beginning of his supports registration only via Twitter, but it currently supports registration through Facebook the facebook and twitter and also Google Plus , what distinguishes it from the applications mentioned above is the duty of his graphic rugs and negative Help Use , after registration in the app you can directly embark on the launch of your live broadcast, you can schedule broadcast Europe direct to start later talk to him you are , as followers of this broadcast can watch it via the Web Platform, Disney need to download the app. 
If you expect a device that supports the Android operating system you can download the app from this link , The if supports ei IOS you can download it from this link .

My personal position about this kind of apps !

It is true that such as these apps develop you sense of communication and increase your skills and , but there is a group of strains that contain which must take into consideration , the first of these is isolation from the real life loss of a sense of communicative reality, and therefore make you dependent to it , besides, of course, to waste time in the case of use of excessive , Yes, apps are a serious and useful and worth the experience but the meal used in our ludus in order to achieve the maximum benefit possible from them , from another side, I invite you to share your experience with one of these applications that we have mentioned above , Or watch our application another NDR in our list , not that I'm inviting you to share this article with your friends if you thought it actually useful and worth posting widely !

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