What is the difference between Indesign and Photoshop

Improved programs and graphic design throughout the last years, and is Photoshop feet and these programs, of course, dependent all buy Adobe Adobe, everyone knows Photoshop on it software photo only and is subject to change and that's not true, of course, there are also Adobe InDesign Adobe Indesign, but what is this program and what is the difference between InDesign and Photoshop. it? This is what you will learn in this article
What is the difference between Indesign and Photoshop
There is a big difference between the two programs even though it is the design software we will talk about each program separately and what are its uses. The program can be downloaded in latest version from the following link

First, Photoshop: a program from Adobe Adobe (his first appearance in 1990) to control the photographs and write and modify them and add effects also have design software is abbreviated PS, is heavily used by photographers and photographic studios owners and also graphic designers and
:Web designers and major uses
1. amendment to the pictures. 2. create animated images. 3. create sites and forums, especially in modern versions of it. 4. basics of printing depends on it. 5. business banners and 3d designs
Any party in the Photoshop : of any party in Photoshop is the formula key as a PSD or open project where you can come back at any time and is subject to change, either from the rest of the other formula are : 1 - BMB formula save with large size in files. 2 - GIF or format save the animation. 3 - EPS formula save used widely in desktop publishing software. 4. the PNG format to save images in a manner compressed for the internet. 5 - JPG the best and hunting spread in Photoshop. 6 - PDF version suitable also for programs desktop publishing. 7 - SCT formula to suit the owners of the presses business.

Defects Photoshop : of course there is an integrated programme the programme Photoshop
:flaws are
1 - not free, expensive and financially where you must, of course, if you will rely mainly in your work you should buy it. 2 - not easy for beginners, it is a program designed to help professionals and graphic look to Tools and methods of work. 3 - need to computers is a potential competitor or high to work, especially the latest editions of where to Ramat high procesor ahead of Wyatt, of course, a large space in your hard disk at will. 4. There are many photo editing software free less the cost of it and working on any computer

Second : the program proffered In Design : is tell software Desktop publishing AST company Adobe in 1999 he specializes in the creation of magazines, books, newspapers, or even the best software is used for design Lite component level of more than a page, the name of the shortcut Id The difference between it and Photoshop : there are differences between the two programs is or in other words, the advantages proffered : 1 - Indies, more advanced in his techniques of Photoshop. 2. design the pages of magazines, newspapers and books which can not be achieved in Photoshop. 3 - Photoshop activates the level of one page while the Indies, creating a multi-page document as you like. 4 - Photoshop is considered the first stage in image processing and is subject to change while the Indies are the import of images that will be working on them in the magazines catalog of Photoshop, it's include in the draft its. And to download Adobe. Indies, through the official website

Any party in Adobe. Indiesign : differs from the program in any party, but they are similar in formula to the party PDF and any key indd, the indl, the indt, the indb, the inx and idml. Disadvantages of the programme indiesign : not many of the disadvantages are 1. The program is not free, too. 2. the programme is of significant size almost up to 400 MB or more. 3 - needs a good potential of the RAM opresor to run it and the space on the hard drive. 4 - not easy for beginners, too, but rather use a professional

Top programs to solve the problems of games

Top programs to solve the problems of games

A lot of facing some problems with some games, especially modern games

Sometimes the reason may be lack of file special fees graphic has been facing the problem of slow drawing of the graphic of the game or even a problem in save the last stage reached in the game and a lot of the problems of games

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Program Game Booster the most effective program to speed run the games , designed the program Game Booster to improve and develop the computer to be able to run games on the quality of implementing high without any problems and the road and the customers , says the program Game Booster to improve the efficiency and management of the processor, memory, and the allocation of more resources to run the games which it is possible to operate the device is slow and quality is low , I've been a fan of computer games and own a computer capable of running games modern and large program Game Booster is an option you first effective to run all games without problems , Campaign program Game Booster of the network software is compatible with all systems, Windows, and all device types

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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪microsoft directx 12‬‏

The following program is DirectX 12
The program makes the game-high graphics and resolution

And reduces mistakes and cuts in and increases the speed of movement it is hit the other of any material audio or Visual on your device . Helps to improve the quality and efficiency of drawing the graphic and sound both for movies or songs or games . For example, includes the last version of the program shadows the second version, which makes the shadow of the characters in the games more natural and dynamic

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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪games for windows live‬‏

Program is Games for Windows Live one of the most important programs to run games

Modern high efficiency. The program to improve the performance of games with graphics high

. Core function of this program is to speed up games of various kinds such as ball games

Foot modern games most of the fighting. The program is produced by Microsoft Corporation, famous

It is free and open to all

download Windows Live from here
نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪microsoft net framework 4.5‬‏

The program is NET Framework is a component of Windows and is a program indispensable to the Internet users. And is programming basic Lai Windows version, depends on a lot of programs the buyer whether to run or increase performance and is a program very important to run the games and some games actually don't work without it. NET Framework of programs in support of and program assistance in the raising of the performance of the system, to bathe in the running and many of the programs that are installed on your PC. It's the games and some programs for printing and publishing

download NET Framework  from here

how to fix balck screen in windows 10 - very important

The problem of the black screen I have your computer when it is running is a common problem certainly rose to RUB between them and that Windows does not work as the problem of the Windows disappear, what I mean here is that the computer works but the screen does not show until the screen stomping first show you the before take-off to Windows, and this problem different have considered before we have clarification via the subject of computer maintenance and laptop News but it has not been clarified sufficiently and it's a problem and responded to me more than once. we will offer all of the solutions and how do you know the cause of the problem? And don't forget to read the theme of the week, solutions, your computer stopped working at startup, where it's also important topics

 lets begging with fix the black screen in windows
1. Make sure that the screen works

This is intuitive but I want to make sure I have every part to include it, you must make sure to turn on the screen and connect the electricity to it and a Play button, so I found a completely black screen but the lamp of the screen is working it good. To be sure try the pressure on the existing keys in the screen as a key to the Menu if you Settings screen or anything, the police work and I wasn't the person you need to maintenance

2. Make sure that the power Button work

Certainly ,you should make sure that the bag is working and I press the PLAY button and fan recommend the work and damage in the bag fully and everything is in a good position. Note, too, that didn't work the computer or works and then stops working all of these problems from the bag and you should review our previous article about all these problems

3. Checked the card screen and cable card screen

Certainly and big the problem is from the cable card screen or leave the screen the same, all you need first is that you check the cable connected from the screen to the card screen whether you're using the VGA or DVI or HDMI or Display-Port to connect the computer to the network. Perhaps just the removal and installation of the cable meet to resolve the problem and may need to change it, and you can experience the changing of the method used, if you use the VGA cable recommendation try using the HDMI

4. Check for the Screen Resolution

One of the reasons black screen issue too is that you set the screen size bigger than supported by the screen, thus showing you a black screen and you can't get into Windows so you have to log in to safe mode Safe Mode, and re set the Resolution and choose the Recommended. He noted that this problem is of Windows will the device show Start Page from the stomping, and then completely stops and show black screen as soon as you take off for Windows.

5. RAM

 checking if the ram work it one of most important steps of fixing black screen in windows

It is natural that the problem was from the RAM device to the start page of your role will then have to stop, but sometimes will not work perfectly and do not worry, you should remove and clean the installation of the radio you have and make sure installed correctly and also make sure the RAM are compatible with each other in terms of the DDR if you have more RAM.

how to fix balck screen in windows 10

How to increase the size of the RAM in your computer

How to increase the size of the RAM in your computer

We all complain of our slow sometimes, and we rely on a number of solutions and accelerators and cleaning to increase the efficiency of our equipment, but what if the RAM-RAM-part of the problem, it may be the small size of RAM or insufficient for the operations of the device is causing slow   computer and poor performance, is there any solution to increase the size and capacity of RAM ?q

Without the software, and you won't need to shop and buy RAM extra, if your computer is running Windows, it actually offers a great solution to this problem, the solution lies in the allocation of a fraction of hard drive space -hard drive to function as RAM, i.e. it is unaware of RAM's fake, additional, hide a large part of the burden on the RAM in the computer! The composition of this radio is not difficult, and we will in this topic steps step-by-step!s

:How to increase the size of the RAM in your computer
We do it through my computer properties that can be accessed as in the picture


1. in the context menu click "Advanced settings", or "Advanced System Setting."


2. pop up window choose "Advanced" and then "Settings" as in the picture


3. now to "phantom memory" or "Virtual Memory" and choose "change" or "Change" as in the picture


4. we first remove the selection from the first item as the picture, and then choose Customize size "Custom Size", and put the value in the box as pictured. You will choose the disk that has the size, the system will give you the recommended space that you have to put a value close to the Fund


You'll be asked to reboot, and the process is ended

How to protect your emails with password in Gmail and others

Gmail is the postal network the largest popular in the world
Today many people are using Gmail account Gmail every day to send and receive messages. More than billions of users out there on Google that are used daily such postal services. But you do not have the encryption option out there for every email that is sent or received. As if any of the receiver or the sender with a knead may learn to penetrate your sensitive data . So to overcome this we are here with how to protect e-mail messages with the password in Gmail . With this method you can also encrypt other messages also like Yahoo etc.. and what is this service to encrypt e-mail messages below


The protection of e-mail messages with the password in Gmail easily

Protect your emails with a password will help you a lot to ensure your privacy from the sender to the receiver . In order to implement this we have another postal service available that will protect e-mail messages with the password in your Gmail

:Steps to protect the emails with the password in Gmail

First and foremost you need to download and install the Mailvelope extension that will help you password protect your Gmail email.download Mailvelope for Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox.


Now this extension will be added to your browser and you'll see a notice about this. And the lock icon will be added to chrome or Mozilla


Now open your Gmail account where you want to protect your emails to your Gmail password

Now click on the lock icon in the upper right corner of the browser.
Click the Add button and then click on generate keys as shown in the picture below

Now you will see a screen like below and fill in your account details and also you can change another option according to your wish


Now in the end when you send personal information bank or mail, for example the recipient there will be also need this extension in its browser to open your emails with the key you put these your messages will be safe
Now with this extension doesn't have to worry about your Sun sensitive data be encrypted with this method.

So above is all about how to protect e-mail messages with the password in Gmail . With this extension will secure your data that you send through email messages with others and the extra will get executed with every email sent. Don't forget to share it with others also. Leave a comment below if you need our help in any step.

Define shipito company services for shipping

Define shipito company services for shipping

صورة ذات صلة

Company shipito specialized in the field of shipping of the United States of America to the rest of the world to provide its customers entitled-mail us immediately after their registration process for the services provided to them by the company

This is the address your us mail, the possibility of e-shopping sites us different so that when customers of shopping using the email address of the American company to send cargo to the country of the customer

:Divided shipping services provided by the company to its customers into two types

:Personal shipments

Customers can subscribe to this service, free of charge, the company providing the Mailing address of the American in each of the States of Nevada and California, also this service allows customers to store one package in the warehouse so they are ideal for customers who want to request a small number of parcels

:Virtual mailbox

The price of subscription to this service $ 10 per month or $ 50 every year where you think these prices are suitable to customers

This service provides customers the possibility of electronic delivery without the addition of taxes through the use of your warehouse and the police and border of Oregon which lies north-west of the United States of America, as well as this service also provides pooling of cargo in one shipment for customers to save costs and to speed up the process of shipping

The prices are special services provided by the company is amazing and suitable for everyone that the company where you charge a large number of shipments, making shipping companies provide discounts which benefit customers significantly in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia specifically noticed the company a great deal to provide amazing rates company by company speedex leading in the field of shipping
We are pleased to offer new customers discount code FINISHME3, which allows you to signup for free in the mailbox default for 3 months worth of basic $ 30

Also by using this code, customers can enjoy the services of a mail box virtual for free for three months after the expiry of this period, customers can switch the service to shipping personal free without pay any charges to cancel the service you will be asked of every customer from the customer when registering a deposit value of $ 1 so that he can use later freight services benefit from the code's all on the customer to do is select the mailbox account virtual monthly on the registration page for a new account and then add the code at the payment page

You can also visit the website of your company shipito by clicking on this link

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