Facebook test its applications on 2000 phone at the same time

Revealed Facebook for a new feature within its data center in prineville in Oregon, water is the new phrase for the laboratory includes about 2000 smart phone is going to use them to test the company's applications to work as they should.

Has built Facebook their laboratory for mobile phones along with the shelving system, custom-built centre offers a total of 60 rack, each containing 32 phone connected all on a single wireless network, so that each possesses a rack wireless access point and a camera, allowing engineers to get an understanding of a visual of how the effect of the updated app on the phone.

The company tested thousands of phones at one time, and to compare new versions of their applications including Facebook application manger and instagram with the records of the previous address and checking any decline in performance or strength.

And you want the company to operate their applications seamlessly by integrating fully between the operating system and data on tens of thousands of different mobile devices and existing markets.

The company noted they are considering permanently with the users of their 1.5 million users who log on to the site, increasingly through their mobile phones, they also think about the billions of people around the world who enter the internet for the first time.

It wasn't the company can use traditional shelves used in the installation and configuration of the servers in the data center because the network signal, your wireless supplement may interfere in between them.

The company is therefore to build the shelves of their own, equipped with foam insulation part copper in the inner layers of shelves so that they can the shelves serve as room isolation electromagnetic.

Furnished to the company a special shelf to test Apple devices, and to provide him with eight computers, a Mac mini Mac mini connects to each four iPhones, and Computers, install, test and uninstall applications on the phones, while the use of Facebook four rings Leopard  in the shelf valley, which rises eight Android devices each.

As a company focused on the software, and so the build tools or special recipes by using the tool configuration management Chef that keeps the phones in a consistent state during the tests.

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