Report: this is the best smart watch for users

Report: this is the best smart watch for users

Attention in the recent period and in large companies of the world, different digital technology, wearable devices, especially smart watches, and although this technology is still relatively in its beginning, only that a lot of users have demonstrated their learning in these devices and they gave their opinion about the best smart watches for them.

Office studies "J. D. Power" conducted a study about the extent of satisfaction of users about the experience of their smart watches of different brands, and the purpose of this study read 2696 problems they acquisition a smart watch over a period of 12 months, and have been building their beliefs on a range of determinants, including links to the previous and the battery capacity and duration in addition to its price and technical specifications etc.

The study, which depend on the dotting of 1000 points indicated that H company Apple TV "Apple TV and" earned the most number of likes by a total of 852 points out of 1000, by hours Samsung smart behind her opponent by a slight margin, where I got a total of 842 points

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