How to increase the number of subscribers to your channel on youtube

Have you ever wondered one day why some get thousands and millions of subscribers on YouTube and some or you just get a dozen, there are many factors to answer this question, there be famous then activates the youtube channel so you won't find problems in getting subscribers, and from there it becomes famous because of YouTube, the earliest example is PewDiePie there is no OF NO know, seemed to work 4 years ago and it has probably the biggest channel on YouTube and activity excellent.

I'll give you 10 tips to help you get subscribers, and without the use of those roads, ” silly ” used by dogs, you find you have thousands of participants, but the comments and video views and admiring. 00 and the reason is the use of cheating methods and ” Black Hat”, so the tips here are not like those ways, but these tips will get the buyer true and echos in the channel of their wish and against their will.

1. Pick up a good number of videos : the first econ should do to get subscribers is to raise the videos a lot, the reason is when a person enters your channel find videos lots to like 100 videos .. this is how the I channel active and it doesn't matter its new or old is important that the videos are many, and if you find a video or 2 in the channel you won't buy and maybe this channel is not to raise the video .. but for the admiration and the videos of the other only, you will not buy.

2. Upload videos with high quality : one of the most important factors to evaluate TV channel in YouTube is the quality of the videos uploaded, now more than 50% of the owners of channels on YouTube raises video 1080p Zhe good, so it better be them and videos with good quality to make the viewer enjoy what you offer and see it clearly, and for the record There of lifting videos 4K quality in each video and watch the splendor of the reason is not the people you want to test the quality of 4K .. which is a benefit, so attention to quality.

3. Make a gift in your channel : more than anything makes people involved in your channel is when you give them stuff like free phones or devices .. there are owners of the great channels they have money they buy equipment and they work competitions is subject to conditions, such as the requirement to participate in the channel and the impress video and channel ...... Then the owner of the channel collect email subscribers and draw in a special position and the winner, this makes the buyers excited and wait for more.

4. Share your videos : share your videos with the buyers using your accounts in social networking sites, and once set up random video from your channel ..

5. Upload videos constantly : be sure to start uploading videos constantly in your channel until you make up you always know the date of the video, who rejects it, and farmers to your channel, and don't make large cities between video and video else thinks so participants you stopped or something.

6. Tell subscribers to your channel video judge : tell subscribers to your channel in the video you'll see him in your channel .. like the rest of 5 minutes and thus makes them excited more, and also ask them what they want to see in your channel, take their requests into account.

7. The idea of viewers jointly in your channel : remember that you should always put the intro video to be all, and also don't forget to remind viewers to the work of impress Subscribe to your channel and visit your site .. in the last video, because maybe watch the video and forget to buy, so always remind them.

8. Set up your channel in your website : create a link to subscribe to your channel in your location and even make your visitors buy in your channel.

9. Interaction with comments : always remember that you have to think and follow the comments of the viewers and participants. to me every video in your channel and reply to as many as possible and helped them in their applications.

10. Interaction with the owners of large channels : make sure to interact with the adult channels on YouTube followed and try to get the first comment to even be in the top everyone watching your channel and a reason in the increase in participants.

These tips look mixed because the many ideas, try the application and, God willing, get a successful channel

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