A website makes you browse and see the shape of any site or channel on YouTube on any date from the past

Site internet archive offers you a very beautiful to browse any site or channel on YouTube for a period of time due your back by the time that you want the experience, it is suitable to surf with him favorite or channel your sites may be yours in a particular month, and stand in front of the activity of this site or channel in the period in which they have developed, and personally tried the fallopian link and return them to the 2012 and watched how it was very unusual channel a few weak and the number of views, knowing that this date was the time of its launch after the first channel, which had been closed.

And even live this unique experience and based on its experience any site you access this site via the following link:
internet archive

Put your channel or any other channel link, or if you want a site put WMA, and then choose the date you want to browse backwards, and the site will be reviewed by you as the first picture in the post.

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