You know on the device the new innovative company Facebook connect world the internet free and super fast too

Already a group of technology companies several initiatives to connect the world online free by flying aircraft, drones or lasers where I thought these companies is that the internet is really necessary for every citizen in this world.

The company Facebook has announced since a few days about the invented device OpenCellular which can activates the Wi-Fi network to a distance of trending detention of tens of kilometers, came the Declaration of a party to Mark Zuckerberg in one of his publications where he stated that this device will be used especially to deploy Wi-Fi in remote areas.

This device you can hang it anywhere whether in the forest, such as product or offers you a service of a wireless network both cellular phone networks adopt LTE speed and Wi-Fi networks that we use in our homes and cafes, the internet.

According to the publication, mark confirmed that this device is especially used in rural and mountainous areas, and tested this device successfully as the first time in the area of Menlo Park in California, and assured mark that our goal is only connect world or 4 million user network to provide the internet free.

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